The global problem of child maltreatment

The global problem of child maltreatment Child abuse and neglect negatively impact both neurological and psychological development. Patterns of abuse are learned and repeated in families. Adverse childhood experiences are a risk factor for psychopathology later in life, including borderline personality disorder (BPD). Borderline personality disorder is prevalent in clinical populations in the USA, but its prevalence has not been…

The global problem of child maltreatment

The global problem of child maltreatment Child abuse and neglect negatively impact both neurological and psychological development. Patterns of abuse are learned and repeated in families. Adverse childhood experiences are a risk factor for psychopathology later in life, including borderline personality disorder (BPD). Borderline personality disorder is prevalent in clinical populations in the USA, but its prevalence has not been…

#Three #Years to #Save #Planet

#Three #Years to #Save #Planet

Check out @wef’s Tweet: These experts say we have three years to save the planet from irreversible destruction #climate — World Economic Forum (@wef) August 11, 2017 Globally, the mean rate of sea level rise increased 50% in the last two decades. In 2017, temperatures have already reached their highest levels in…