What causes fear of the unknown?

Lack of predictabilityFeeling that you don’t have enough information to make accurate predictions can cause your anxiety to rise. One way to counteract the lack of predictability is to get more information. For example, if you’re experiencing fear of the unknown related to a new school or neighborhood, you might consider exploring the area before…

South African woman has been discovered alive — inside a morgue fridge

South African woman has been discovered alive — inside a morgue fridge

A "dead" South African woman has been discovered alive — inside a morgue fridge https://t.co/LT6kvonk74 — ABC News (@abcnews) July 3, 2018 A woman in South Africa is being treated in hospital after being found alive inside a morgue fridge. The woman was taken to Carletonville morgue in Gauteng province after being declared dead by…

Excitement and fear can look a lot alike

Excitement and fear can look a lot alike

https://www.forbes.com/sites/briannawiest/2018/07/10/this-is-the-psychological-reason-why-some-people-are-so-hard-on-themselves/#6fcc8bf93f35 The psychological reason why some people are so hard on themselves isn’t necessarily a matter of low self-esteem. It’s more likely a product of the need for affect, which is the intensity at which people want to feel anything. Positive disintegration is often correlated with a higher degree of over-excitability, which is another way…

South African woman has been discovered alive — inside a morgue fridge

South African woman has been discovered alive — inside a morgue fridge

A "dead" South African woman has been discovered alive — inside a morgue fridge https://t.co/LT6kvonk74 — ABC News (@abcnews) July 3, 2018 A woman in South Africa is being treated in hospital after being found alive inside a morgue fridge. The woman was taken to Carletonville morgue in Gauteng province after being declared dead by…

#Clown #fear

#Clown #fear

https://www.stuff.co.nz/taranaki-daily-news/news/96712365/scared-of-clowns-its-not-funny-says-psychologist But why are clowns, which have been around for thousands of years, considered by some to be scary? The first clowns were recorded in 2400 BC in ancient Egypt and the most famous was Englishman Joseph Grimaldi, who was hailed as the King of Clowns in the early 1800s. His stage look has been…

#Scientists #reduce #fear #death #virtual #reality

#Scientists #reduce #fear #death #virtual #reality

Scientists reduce fear of death by using virtual reality to induce an out-of-body experience https://t.co/ReJWIUNNFc — PsyPost.org (@PsyPost) May 7, 2017 “Here we wanted to see what the effects were of establishing a strong feeling of ownership over a virtual body, and then moving people out of it, so simulating an out-of-body experience. According to…

Four steps to manage fear

http://qz.com/450517/us-navy-seals-conquer-fear-using-four-simple-steps/ The mechanism of fear The frontal lobes (part of the neocortex) are responsible with conscious and rational decision making processes. The amygdala is twice as fast in response than the frontal lobes and this sometimes can be misleading. The purpose of the amygdala is to protect, no matter what. There are some fears that…

What’s Holding You Back? 5 Ways to Break Free from Mental Barriers

What’s Holding You Back? 5 Ways to Break Free from Mental Barriers | World of Psychology http://t.co/pfWUohZXUe — Kyle MacDonald (@kylemacd) September 21, 2014 Do the thing you’re afraid of (over and over again). When I was a teen, I loved the movie “The Bodyguard” with Whitney Houston and Kevin Costner. There was a scene…