Abdominal Exercise

Difficult Emotions are a Part of life

So what’s the alternative? Living the best life we can, with whatever emotional experience we’re having. “For a lot of people, a much better road is to relate to the emotions rather than trying to control them,” said Minden. “It’s really important to learn to accept our authentic emotions, our inner experience, and relate to it differently so we…

The notion that exercise is a viable treatment for PTSD gaining momentum

http://bit.ly/34rEquo The notion that physical activity and exercise are viable treatments for PTSD has been gaining momentum in the research community (20–25). The terms are often used interchangeably but are distinct from one another. Physical activity is “any bodily movement produced by skeletal muscles that results in energy expenditure” [(26), p 126]. Physical activity can…

1hr #Exercise #Week #Protects #Against #Depression

1hr #Exercise #Week #Protects #Against #Depression

https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/the-athletes-way/201710/one-hour-exercise-week-protects-against-depression#_=_ The findings of this study suggest that surprisingly small amounts of low-intensity physical activity (60 minutes of exercise per week, without becoming breathless or sweating) can protect against future depression, regardless of age or gender. Learning about this information offers up so many benefits to people who need that encouragement to do exercise. Depression…

Depression self-help tip 4: Eat a healthy, mood-boosting diet

http://www.helpguide.org/articles/depression/dealing-with-depression.htm What you eat has a direct impact on the way you feel. Reduce your intake of foods that can adversely affect your brain and mood, such as caffeine, alcohol, trans fats, and foods with high levels of chemical preservatives or hormones (such as certain meats). Don’t skip meals. Going too long between meals can…

Spend four hours a day on your feet

Spend four hours a day on your feet, experts say http://t.co/m0C8qe14Od pic.twitter.com/fwmPAQ0Fvf — Stuff.co.nz News (@NZStuff) July 21, 2015 You’ve probably heard that “sitting is the new smoking” – the looming health risk in the computer age. A proliferation of studies over the past decade has linked prolonged stretches of sedentariness to an uptick in…

PTSD, poor sleep quality and physical activity

A new study shows that worse sleep quality predicts lower physical activity in people with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Results show that PTSD was independently associated with worse sleep quality at baseline, and participants with current PTSD at baseline had lower physical activity one year later. Further analysis found that sleep quality completely mediated the…