Abdominal Exercise

Difficult Emotions are a Part of life

So what’s the alternative? Living the best life we can, with whatever emotional experience we’re having. “For a lot of people, a much better road is to relate to the emotions rather than trying to control them,” said Minden. “It’s really important to learn to accept our authentic emotions, our inner experience, and relate to it differently so we…

Prozac Pills

Is social media filling the void left by health services?

Group membership was 82.5% female, as were 80% of the Administrators and Moderators, all of whom are lay volunteers. The role of Facebook groups in the management and raising of awareness of antidepressant withdrawal: is social media filling the void left by health services? – Edward White, John Read, Sherry Julo, 2021 (sagepub.com) By far…

Fear and trauma after sexual violence

Childhood Sexual Abuse and Depressive Disorders

Findings from the four systematic reviews and three meta-analyses identified in this report showed that:  Victims of childhood sexual abuse are more likely to develop depressive disorders than are non-victims.  There is fair quality evidence that childhood sexual abuse is a likely risk factor for the development of depression, with an odds ratio…

How Procrastination and Depression are Linked

http://bit.ly/2n1hX76 2. People who deal with stress by putting problems in their ‘too hard basket’ are more vulnerable to getting depressed. There is a huge chicken and egg relationship here. If you ruminate about problems rather than tackling them head-on, it can contribute to worsening depression, but depression can also make people feel frozen. 3….

Single gene not responsible for depression

Single gene not responsible for depression

http://bit.ly/2J1Dsvv The figure, which comes from a 2003 paper published in the prestigious journal Science, shows that the risk of depression among people who have experienced stressful life events becomes much greater if they also possess a certain version of a certain gene. This landmark study, in the midst of an endless nature-nurture debate, was…

Self-care not enough to beat depression

Self-care not enough to beat depression

https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/opinion-hubble-anxiety-medication_us_5b3ba71ce4b09e4a8b27f269 At its worst, anxiety controlled my future. I always wanted to go backpacking, but travel had so many inherent risks: Open water was home to lurking sharks, every mosquito was loaded with a deadly tropical disease, my plane would crash, I would hurtle through the window of a taxi onto a dirt road and…

Men may claim that it’s just burnout or stress

Men may claim that it’s just burnout or stress

Men may claim that it's just burnout or stress, but there should be no shame in dealing with depression. https://t.co/ElkQByIdqg — The Good Men Project (@GoodMenProject) August 1, 2018 As a woman, I feel comfortable telling people that I live with bipolar disorder and I often experience clinical depression. However, I’ve heard from my male…