Implicit denial of how prevalent and acceptable sexism is

Implicit denial of how prevalent and acceptable sexism is Just as people have argued that “there’s no such thing as an anti-war film” (a quote generally attributed to the French filmmaker François Truffaut), I tend to disagree with Solnit and Schumer. There’s no such thing as anti-rape humor, at least not for the men in the audience. Humor can make the act one…

Denial exists in any disorder caused by trauma

Denial exists in any disorder caused by trauma

Denial is a psychological way of coping – find out how denial is a part of trauma and dissociative disorders… — TraumaDissociation (@TraumaDID) September 27, 2014 Denial is common in Dissociative Identity Disorder, and exists in any disorder caused by trauma. Denial is a psychological defense mechanism,[1]:24 it plays a role in keeping the…

Denial is a psychological defense mechanism Denial is common in Dissociative Identity Disorder, and exists in any disorder caused by trauma. Denial is a psychological defense mechanism,[1]:24 it plays a role in keeping the impact and knowledge of the traumatic experience(s) at bay although it also prevents healing from trauma. The conflict between the will to deny horrible events and…