Male survivor: courage in the void

Male survivor: courage in the void

When we teach survivors how they can reinterpret and rewrite their experiences, we promote the hope that they do not need to be trapped in victim narratives. We help them reposition themselves and empower them. Suicide educators also work with the people who support the suicidal and bereaved. We educate professionals and volunteers about evidence-based…

Building a capacity to tolerate discomfort and uncertainty is key to change

Building a capacity to tolerate discomfort and uncertainty is key to change 5. Building a capacity to tolerate discomfort and uncertainty is key to change. Uncertainty is difficult to tolerate so we have a natural tendency to create stories that help us feel certain and feel safe. It’s important to realize that these narratives aren’t necessarily correct. Scarcity, fear, and vulnerability motivate us to find certainty,…

“I think the pledge is a lie to me and it’s a lie to my people.”

Long before Kaepernick’s protest, this Native American teen sat out Pledge of Allegiance — CNN (@CNN) September 17, 2016 Long before Colin Kaepernick refused to stand for the national anthem, sparking a national dialogue, there was Leilani Thomas. Leilani, now 14, has sat out the Pledge of Allegiance since the second grade. “Most…

Peacemaking calls for courage, much more so than warfare&

Pope Francis: “Peacemaking calls for courage, much more so than warfare” — HuffPost Religion (@HuffPostRelig) July 19, 2014 Vatican Radio) Pope Francis has telephoned the presidents of Israel and Palestine. A Communiqué from the Press Office of the Holy See explains that the purpose of the calls was to voice concern over the violent…