#Rift #Experts #Analyzing #Trump #Mental #Health

#Rift #Experts #Analyzing #Trump #Mental #Health

CNN: A rift among experts over analyzing Trump’s mental health. http://google.com/newsstand/s/CBIwpvXZyDU http://edition.cnn.com/2017/07/26/health/mental-health-association-debate-trump/index.html Two professional mental health associations — the American Psychoanalytic Association, known as the APsaA, and the American Psychiatric Association, known as the APA — have opposite opinions about what would be ethical, and what is not. If members want to share their educated…

#AngelaMerkel #concerns #persecution #gaymen #Chechnya

#AngelaMerkel #concerns #persecution #gaymen #Chechnya

http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/angela-merkel-vladimir-putin-russia-talks-chechnya-gay-people-germany-ukraine-sanctions-syria-assad-a7713511.html Angela Merkel has publicly raised concerns over the reported persecution of gay men in Chechnya with Vladimir Putin, following wide-ranging talks. The German Chancellor raised the alleged capture and torture of more than 100 people at a joint press conference with the Russian President in Sochi. The Kremlin has backed the Chechen government’s denials…