7 Ways To Talk About Your Accomplishments Without Sounding Like A Braggart

7 Ways To Talk About Your Accomplishments Without Sounding Like A Braggart

https://www.forbes.com/sites/amymorin/2017/01/29/7-ways-to-talk-about-your-accomplishments-without-sounding-like-a-braggart/#152a15d06fcc 3. Give Credit Where It’s Due Acknowledge the team, friends, or family who helped you along the way. Similar to the acknowledgements in the back of a book, or an Oscar winner’s acceptance speech, point out that you aren’t solely responsible for your success. Say, “I couldn’t have done this without such a supportive…

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Williams was taken aback. She assured them that the methodology was sound, but the questions and challenges continued. She reacted defensively and the presentation went downhill from there. The stone wall Williams ran into was “principles first reasoning”, which derives conclusions or facts from general principles or concepts that build up to a general conclusion….