If they want to see changes they need to demonstrate they are prepared to change

If they want to see changes they need to demonstrate they are prepared to change

I’m open to working with gangs — but our first shared priority should be to stop their members entering prison in the first place. If they want to see changes within Corrections, then they need to demonstrate that they are also prepared to change. https://t.co/u2eHyieBtF — Kelvin Davis (@NgatiBird) August 26, 2018

Change is a continuum, not an event.

Change is a continuum, not an event.

https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/wander-woman/201802/stop-making-new-goals-create-habits-instead Change is a continuum, not an event. Your brain’s primary function is to protect you from harm and discomfort. You must convince your brain that you will not only be safe if you change, you will be better off. To convince your brain, you must compose easily attainable steps that you will repeat for…

Building a capacity to tolerate discomfort and uncertainty is key to change

Building a capacity to tolerate discomfort and uncertainty is key to change

https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/the-clarity/201802/the-courage-show 5. Building a capacity to tolerate discomfort and uncertainty is key to change. Uncertainty is difficult to tolerate so we have a natural tendency to create stories that help us feel certain and feel safe. It’s important to realize that these narratives aren’t necessarily correct. Scarcity, fear, and vulnerability motivate us to find certainty,…

#PTSD #climate #change

#PTSD #climate #change

http://www.motherjones.com/environment/2017/04/climate-change-mental-health-report/ In 2014, human-induced climate change played a role in at least 14 extreme weather events, National Geographic reports. These included Hawaii’s active hurricane season, droughts in East Africa, and record rains in New Zealand and France. People who endure such events may subsequently experience immediate or long-term psychological trauma due to personal injury, death…

New Zealand Police released a fresh report, called “A decade of change”,

New Zealand Police released a fresh report, called “A decade of change”,

http://home.nzcity.co.nz/news/article.aspx?id=245483 A decade since an inquiry found some officers had behaved disgracefully when handling complaints of sexual assault, police say they have revolutionised their culture. The 2007 Commission of Inquiry into police conduct, led by Dame Margaret Bazley, reviewed 313 complaints of sexual assault against 222 police officers between 1979 and 2005. It found that…