#No #time #for #politeness #challenging #abuse

#No #time #for #politeness #challenging #abuse

http://www.santafenewmexican.com/life/family/when-faced-with-abuse-of-power-forgo-politesse/article_bae26d4d-02b8-5bb5-bfc0-818964f6f056.html The news out of Hollywood last week about producer Harvey Weinstein’s decades of alleged sexual harassment and assault downright disgusts. The dozens of women who bravely came forward shared similar stories of feeling pressured by the powerful executive, the gatekeeper to their budding careers, to join him in his hotel room, where they were…

#Women #Posting #Pictures #Challenge #Stereotype #PTSD

#Women #Posting #Pictures #Challenge #Stereotype #PTSD

Women Are Posting Pictures to Challenge a Stereotype About PTSD http://themighty.com/2016/05/facesofptsd-post-traumatic-stress-disorder-awareness/ The idea started with a disappointing online search. While researching for a piece about trigger warnings, Cissy White realized when she searched for images under “post-traumatic stress disorder” (PTSD), the top results showed exclusively men in uniform. Given that women are more than twice as likely to develop…