Tremendous balls to live with bipolar

Tremendous balls to live with bipolar As a psychologist, I am aware of Bipolar Disorder’s significant fallout. It is chronically difficult for those who live with it and hugely taxing on partners and families. Every mental health professional has witnessed the distress of someone raised by a wildly unpredictable mother or father (often with undiagnosed Bipolar), who forced them to…

Carrie Fisher’s most feminist act was her frankness about being bipolar

Carrie Fisher’s most feminist act was her frankness about being bipolar

Carrie Fisher's most feminist act was her frankness about being bipolar in a world where women are called "crazy" — Quartz (@qz) December 28, 2016 … she refused to fit any of the stereotypical and limiting roles that the world tried to force upon her: Hollywood heiress, bimbo in a bikini, drug-addled trainwreck, crazy…

Carrie Fisher has reportedly suffered a massive heart attack

Carrie Fisher has reportedly suffered a massive heart attack

Star Wars star Carrie Fisher suffers massive heart attack on international flight. — nzherald (@nzherald) December 23, 2016 Star Wars star Carrie Fisher has reportedly suffered a massive heart attack on an international flight. TMZ has reported Fisher went into cardiac arrest on the flight from London to Los Angeles. Other passengers helped…