Watch “Donald Jeffries on The Bullyocracy” on YouTube

Watch “Donald Jeffries on The Bullyocracy” on YouTube

Bestselling author Donald Jeffries turns his critical eye onto the topic of bullying to show how teachers, principals, and other school officials invariably side with the bullies in the most egregious cases, instead of protecting the victims. He also shows how many so-called anti-bullying activists and nearly all the professional “experts” excuse bullying and in…

How Bullying May Shape Adolescent Brains

How Bullying May Shape Adolescent Brains In recent years, a steadily increasing volume of data has demonstrated that peer victimization — the clinical term for bullying — impacts hundreds of millions of children and adolescents, with the effects sometimes lasting years and, possibly, decades. The problem is even recognized as a global health challenge by the World Health Organization and…

#New Zealand #second-highest #rate #bullying

#New Zealand #second-highest #rate #bullying

Together, We make change… — NBIT New Zealand (@NoBullyingNZ) October 15, 2017 No parent ever wants to see his or her child suffer at the hands of a bully. What’s worse is when a parent discovers their own child becoming the bullies themselves. According to statistics, New Zealand is reported to have the second-highest…

#Leading #World #Cyber #Bullying #Narcissism

#Leading #World #Cyber #Bullying #Narcissism

.@jaketapper: The President has made it clear he will do everything he can to undermine anyone seeking to hold him accountable — The Lead CNN (@TheLeadCNN) June 29, 2017 Republican strategist and CNN commentator Ana Narvarro says Trump is embarrassing, shameful, disgusting — CNN (@CNN) June 29, 2017

Human Rights Commission welcomes Mediaworks statement

Human Rights Commission welcomes Mediaworks statement The Human Rights Commission has welcomed a statement from Mediaworks chief executive Mark Weldon that two X Factor judges are no longer suitable to judge the reality show. “Whether we’re at work, at school or on stage at an X Factor talent show: bullying isn’t acceptable,” said Human Rights…