Auckland and Christchurch have woken to 99 per cent humidity

Auckland and Christchurch have woken to 99 per cent humidity Northland and Auckland’s sodden conditions have shifted to the southwest overnight, with Tauranga drenched in 59mm of rain in the past 12 hours. Marlborough, which had been pelted by 198.5mm of rain in the past 24 hours in its Western Ranges, is beginning to come through the worst of it. In Nelson, the Nelson…

#Auckland #preacher #damages #Christianity #shoot #gay #people

#Auckland #preacher #damages #Christianity #shoot #gay #people

Check out this story from the NZ Herald Android App But he said he was just repeating the Bible – specifically Leviticus 20:13 which calls for gay men to be put to death. Robertson said he was not calling for church members to shoot anyone, and took no responsibility if someone did so…

#Auckland #Rugby #Coach #Sex #Offending #Boys

#Auckland #Rugby #Coach #Sex #Offending #Boys The trial of an Auckland rugby coach facing dozens of allegations of sex crimes against young boys has been pushed back as more possible complainants come forward. Alosio Taimo pleaded not guilty to 53 charges of sexual offending against children under 12 and teenage boys when he appeared in the High Court at Auckland…

Prominent Auckland actor allegedly performed oral sex on her

Prominent Auckland actor allegedly performed oral sex on her The man, who has name suppression, is accused of sexual violation and indecent assault. He has pleaded not guilt. The alleged offending occurred between 2010 and 2013 and involved four women. The court heard that the man gave four women one-on-one acting classes and told them they needed to be “sexually uninhibited” to become…

Auckland’s Santa runs out of money

The beckoning finger, the winking eye-it’s just not Christmas without Auckland’s creepy Santa. — News (@NZStuff) October 22, 2014 Auckland’s giant Santa may have seemed like a dirty old man with his slowly winking eye and creepy beckoning finger, but the five-tonne, 18-metre festive figure had been part of Auckland’s seasonal celebrations since…