#airBNB #Ban #Racist #Listings

#airBNB #Ban #Racist #Listings

https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/96251706 Online lodging broker Airbnb has removed multiple listings from an Auckland-based host who refused to rent to Māori and Pasifika people. A woman, who asked to remain anonymous, spotted the four-bedroom Flat Bush home on the site last week while looking for accommodation for family coming over from South Africa. Among other, fairly standard,…

AirBnB allegedly refuse to prevent rape by providing location

http://www.independent.co.uk/travel/news-and-advice/airbnb-safety-sexual-assault-allegations-against-host-in-madrid-raise-questions-about-websites-responsibilities-10457992.html The experience of Jacob Lopez, 19, is one such example, after a stay with an Airbnb host left the teenager needing trauma therapy. After a successful stay using the firm in Brazil, Lopez decided to use the service again for a trip to the Spanish capital of Madrid. When Lopez called his mother, Michaela…