woman comforting friend

https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2020/10/201027133717.htm But do we always want people to show empathy? Not so, said researchers from the University of California, Davis. A recently published paper suggests that although empathy is often portrayed as a virtue, people who express empathy are not necessarily viewed favorably. “Empathy has become a sort of ‘catch-all’Continue Reading

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The Independent: People avoid feeling empathy towards others because it’s too mentally taxing.https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/empathy-feelings-mental-effort-pennsylvania-state-university-a8882316.html “There is a common assumption that people stifle feelings of empathy because they could be depressing or costly, such as making donations to charity,” Cameron says. “But we found that people primarily just don’t want to makeContinue Reading

In her latest book, The Empathy Effect, Helen Riess, the associate clinical professor of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School and director of the Empathy and Relational Science Program at Massachusetts General Hospital, shares her years of scientific investigation into how empathy develops and works throughout the stages of our lives andContinue Reading

https://www.forbes.com/sites/caterinabulgarella/2018/12/04/learning-empathy-and-diversity-have-put-microsoft-on-a-path-of-unstoppable-growth/#563ff2da4d8f But learning is not only about acquiring new technical expertise, it’s also about listening to ourselves and others, and discovering the things we don’t know about those around us. The most profound learnings entail empathy. When we walk in the shoes of others and try to picture things the wayContinue Reading

https://www.vox.com/conversations/2017/1/19/14266230/empathy-morality-ethics-psychology-compassion-paul-bloom My beef is with empathy in particular, with its role in decision making. Empathy has certain design features that do make it positive in certain restricted circumstances. If you and I are the only people on earth and you’re in pain and I can help you and make yourContinue Reading

https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/ulterior-motives/201804/maybe-you-shouldn-t-take-the-perspective-other-people When you want to know what someone else is thinking or feeling, the old adage to “put yourself in someone else’s shoes” typically springs to mind. From an early age, most of us are advised that we will be better able to understand other people’s thoughts and feelings ifContinue Reading

While there was a strong reaction from some viewers about the content, it was clear the content had begun to shape some attitudes towards rape, and around the topic of women’s sexual rights. “What potentially showed long lasting effects in terms of their attitudes was some of the ‘surrounding conversation’,Continue Reading

Emotional brains 'physically different' from rational ones http://t.co/V3GzEXqQkx — Shane Parrish (@farnamstreet) June 21, 2015 The results showed that people with high scores for affective empathy had greater grey matter density in the insula, a region found right in the ‘middle’ of the brain. Those who scored higher for cognitiveContinue Reading