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Accommodation Syndrome – Sexual Abuse
The child sexual abuse accommodation syndrome is an explanation for why children do not reveal that they have been sexually abused. Roland Summit (1993) first described these common reactions that children have following abuse. These include: Secrecy Helplessness Entrapment and accommodation Delayed and unconvincing disclosure Retraction
How Abusive Relationships Take Root “It often starts in a very insidious way,” said Patricia Pape, a psychologist in private practice in New York. “He says, ‘Don’t put Sweet-and-Low in your coffee, it’s poisonous.’ “Then, ‘When you wear that nail polish, it makes you look like a fallen woman,’ and ‘That skirt is too short, it’s too revealing.’ Or,…
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Childhood sexual abuse linked to a range of physical and mental health conditions A new review of previous studies into the long-term effects of childhood sexual abuse has suggested that earlier mental health support for victims would reduce the chances of victims developing psychiatric conditions and substance misuse later in life. Childhood sexual abuse is known to be associated with a wide range of health conditions, from…