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Now, Cuddy can legitimately claim that power posing is science. Cuddy’s new academic paper published in March in Psychological Science, offers ample evidence (that even passes the p-curve test) that adopting an expansive posture makes people feel more powerful. Cuddy now refers to the effect as postural feedback rather power posing (perhaps to appease to those who claimed her research was more pop than science). Cuddy’s analysis examined over 55 studies and clearly demonstrates a link between expansive postures and feelings of power. Even the replication study that set off the original controversy found that those in high power poses felt more powerful than their low pose counterparts.
However, recall that the original claim about power posing was that it led to two effects: increasing feelings of power and altering hormones. The effects of power posing on hormones is still questionable. There is insufficient replication of the hormone aspect of Cuddy’s results to say that that power posing has any real effect on our hormones.
Nonetheless, feeling more powerful after power posing is a major finding. I certainly find myself in many situations when I’d like to feel more powerful. If adopting an expansive posture can help, I’m all in.