@WaikatoDHB Waikato District Health Board – Warm our Whare Program
He said the impact of child poverty costs the country around $8.8 billion per year. “Health-related costs absorb between $3 – $4.5 billion of that cost. Some of these costs could potentially be reduced with adequate housing.
“Data shows that Maori, Pacific, and lower socio-economic groups are less likely to own their own homes.
They are also more disproportionately likely to reside in the more deprived areas where access to and affordability of quality housing choices is low.
“They are also more likely to suffer the effects of living in poor quality housing. “Over 50 per cent of Māori whānau across the Waikato DHB region live in the three most deprived deciles.
“The position that many-whanau face is compounded by the fact that rental costs and daily costs such as food continue to rise.He said that more needs to be done to ensure all children live in adequate housing and can ultimately own their own homes.