Understanding Rape Myths: A Guide for Counselors Working With Male Survivors of Sexual Violence
Furthermore, the existence of rape myths has been shown to negatively impact victims of sexual assault. Through the perpetuation of victim-blaming, rape myths can retraumatize survivors and discourage them from reporting their assault (Edwards et al., 2011; Kassing et al., 2005; Proto-Campise et al., 1998). Male rape myths in particular can contribute to the lack of services provided to male victims of sexual violence. In a series of interviews by Donnelly and Kenyon (1996), many workers at sexual assault crisis centers demonstrated a belief and acceptance of a number of MRMs. The acceptance of these myths acted as barriers to treatment for male victims, with some centers offering nonresponsive or insensitive services. Some facilities have even been known to refuse services to men. As a representative of such a center stated: “Honey, we don’t do men. . . men can’t be raped” (Donnelly & Kenyon, 1996, p. 444). This statement is a concrete example of how a male rape myth (men can’t be raped) can prevent male victims from receiving necessary treatment. Rape crisis workers also advocate for male victims in a world where societal attitudes on male sexual assault are facilitated by male rape myths. In a qualitative study, Ullman and Townsend (2007) interviewed 25 rape crisis workers on their experiences of barriers that they have faced in advocating for victims. One theme reported by these workers was societal attitudes including gender and sexual orientation bias. A quote by one advocate in the study stated:
It’s even sexist because male survivors are treated horribly. They don’t even take it seriously and act like they deserve it. The impression I’ve gotten is not as if they’re saying that it didn’t happen, it was just they deserved it or they must have been doing something to condone it or they must be homosexual so it’s because of their lifestyle. (Ullman & Townsend, 2007, p. 420)
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