Two organisations: one there & one here

Outline New Zealand



OUTLineNZ Marches in Pride Parade


OuLineNZ moves to Suite 1-3, 3 Cowan St, Ponsonby, Auckland

Topp Twins become Patrons of OutLineNZ.


OutLineNZ moves to 5/3 Cowan St, Ponsonby.


A month long campaign of fundraising was organised in October.


National toll free 0800 OUTLINE number is put into use for first time

Launch of new name, logo, national focus and 0800 line is held at Auckland Domain Winter Gardens with a cocktail reception for invited guests.

New telephone system introduced that allows calls to be identified as coming from other groups, e.g. HIV Hotline and Genderbridge so calls can be answered appropriately.

Auckland Gay Lesbian Welfare changes name to OUTLine New Zealand Incorporated by vote at a special General Meeting in October and redesign logo and brand via a design competition. The design competition is won by dhdesignz and the new logo is approved.

Auckland Gay Lesbian Welfare begins a partnership with Genderbridge to take their help line calls when they have no volunteers.

Part time Administrative Officer employed.


Auckland Gay Lesbian Welfare Group says goodbye to Neville Creighton after 12 years as Coordinator. Neville’s long time contribution and dedication to the organization is recognized at a farewell cocktail function.

Auckland Gay Lesbian Welfare employs a General Manager to manage the day to day operations of the organization.


An Assistant staff member is appointed for six months through Taskforce Green. He takes over for three months while co-ordinator is ill. The local and national databases are totally updated. Training intakes were smaller but the group remains around 70. The co-ordinator is part of the Lavender Island planning group.


A very active programme and sound financial year. We take over the running of the HERO Tennis Tournament. Several people are referred to us from the Police Diversion scheme and financial contributions also come to us. A record training group of 22 is trained in one intake. We take part in the Big Gay out, run HERO Tennis, are part of the Erotica Expo again, join in the Human Rights Day function.


Co-ordinator now full-time and WINZ assistance with assistant continues. The new premises are refurbished and grows as a drop-in centre. The group takes an ever fuller role in gay community affairs and events. A new colourful brochure and business cards produced and distributed – funded by Freemans Hotel, NZPO, and Gay Auckland Business Association. Volunteer telephone team reaches 80 members. We take part in the Erotica Expo.


We move with the OUT organisation into new premises at 39 Anzac Ave, much improved premises. A third staff member is added – a social worker – through ACC and WINZ for six months.

An assistant to the co-ordinator is appointed through WINZ Job Schemes. We gain a gay/lesbian sector seat on the Auckland COGS Distribution Committee.


Decision taken to activate the “Welfare” in our title more strongly. Court, prison and some accommodation work. A grant from ASB Trusts enables new IT equipment and internet use. Fax and email added to our systems. New PR material developed. We begin monthly participation in the inner city social services network.


Library doubles in size and office equipment and furnishings begin to be updated and improved. We begin employing assistance from NZES Taskforce Green and income reaches the $50,000 mark. Our two telephone lines inter-connected to enable to calls to be taken.


Funding applications very successful and co-ordinator’s hours lifted to 24 per week. Volunteer Counsellor numbers rise significantly. Phone hours extended to 10am-10pm weekdays and 5pm-10pm weekends and Lesbianline extended to two days per week. A regular, monthly, in-house newsletter “NEWSLINE” begins.


The position of Co-ordinator/Trainer is established to replace the two positions. Principle of at least two training intakes per year established.


Co-ordinator’s hours reduced through lack of funds to 20 then to 16. Two groups of counsellors trained and membership grows significantly. Training expanded and re-organised on a professional and ongoing basis. We have our first student training placement.


Assistant to the co-ordinator’s position and the information line ended due to lack of funding. A voluntary trainer/supervisor appointed to assist the paid person. Two new groups of counsellors trained. Gayspace continues, Horizons group for men over 26 years established, and supervision is provided for Icebreakers facilitators.


Appointed an assistant to the co-ordinator for 20 hours per week. One new group of counsellors was trained.


Full-time paid co-ordinator. Gay/Lesbian recorded information line established with regular updating.


20 January became a legally incorporated group – “Auckland Gay / Lesbian Welfare Group Inc.” First part-time paid co-ordinator.


Moved to Anzac Ave, in space provided by OUT organisation, rent free.


First fixed-phone in “OUT” building in Lorne Street, City. Remained there for approximately two years. Advertising in the Herald and OUT magazine.

Youthline offered space in the lean-to off their building in Park Road, Grafton. Moved there for approx three years. Members still often paid the phone bills due to lack of funding.


Coffee evenings now held at Outreach (Ponsonby) – then the Ponsonby Community Centre – then other venues around Auckland. Aim to gain low-key public body approval for the group and activities. Social club faded away in the late 80’s.


“Gay Welfare”. Phone service from members’ homes. Weekly Gay social group, plus coffee evenings to give an alternative to commercial venues.


Small group of 5-6 men. Phone run from homes. Low-key advertising. Coffee evenings in private homes initiated as a group activity.


“Gay Welfare” approx 10 male members. Ran NZ-wide classified advertisements, paid for by the group. Clients wrote… we wrote. Occasional face to face visits – in pairs.

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