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We can each transform ourselves
I think it is very important to know we can each transform ourselves into a better, happier person. I think it’s important to recognize this Original Tweet: https://twitter.com/dalaisvoice/status/504470872846249986 Sent via TweetDeck

Not only will she not be humiliated – she will humiliate him.
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Sharing a bit of themselves with whoever chooses it next
http://koreajoongangdaily.joins.com/news/article/article.aspx?aid=3021943&cloc=joongangdaily%7Chome%7Cnewslist1 Coffee typically comes with something like a pastry rather than a psychotherapy session, but a unique cafe in Seongbuk District, northeastern Seoul, is trying to change that. The Feeling Store, which first opened in August 2013, offers various ways for customers to get in touch with their emotions while sipping their latte. One key…
Ideal setting for smoking cessation
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Public lecture: Edgar Diabetes and Obesity Research
Professor Boyd Swinburn, renowned clinical and public health researcher, will give a public lecture as part of the Edgar Diabetes and Obesity Research (EDOR) tenth anniversary celebration. Boyd Swinburn is the Professor of Population Nutrition and Global Health at the University of Auckland. He is also Alfred Deakin Professor and Director of the World Health…