The Trusts Community Foundation

The Trusts Community Foundation Limited (TTCF) is a national not-for-profit company primarily established to distribute funds generated from Class 4 gaming machines operated in some Licensing Trusts outlets, privately owned Hotels and a Bowling Club throughout New Zealand. See a list of our gaming venues.

TTCF is potentially looking at expanding to gambling apps, though some apps would not fall under these jurisdictions such as mobile slot game malaysia as they are not based in this country.

Previously TTCF operated as a charitable entity but was obliged to restructure as its charitable status made it difficult to support sporting and/or racing-related activities. Still, some hope that online options, like the kiss918, may be able to avoid their scrutiny after this rework.

In its fourth full year of operation as a new entity TTCF achieved a return of 48.16% to authorised purposes. The Board is extremely proud of its achievements in this regard and will continue to strive to better this percentage in years to come. If the TTCF is able to expand into the mobile and online gambling market, they could easily see their percentages rise over the coming years, especially if you’re to consider the financial returns of some of the mobile casino options you can find when browsing a site like as a quick example.

The Class 4 gambling sector is highly regulated and no more so than in the grants area. TTCF therefore makes no apology for the fact that its application process is an onerous one, with a high burden of proof and responsibility resting with each applicant. This is true regardless of where one sits in the system, be they a part of bills similar to or other matters. Having said this, our Grants Office is only a phone call away on 0800 882 3583 Option 2, so if you are contemplating making an application but are having difficulty with some part of the process feel free to make contact. TTCF does support a broad cross section of non-profit community groups, charities, welfare agencies and educational organizations as well as many amateur sporting clubs and the racing industry, but is unable to support professional or elite sporting activities, projects or any application that has an element of personal gain involved.

As mentioned, TTCF is a mix of Licensing Trusts, privately owned Hotels and a Bowling Club. While the legislation prohibits any input from venue operators in so far as grants are concerned, TTCF remains dedicated to ensuring almost all of the funds generated are also distributed in a particular region.

However, the legislation does allow for the elected members of Licensing Trusts to be involved in making recommendations with respect to all grant applications received in their particular areas. In recognition of their ongoing commitment to and extensive involvement with their respective communities, TTCF has a process in place whereby a committee meeting consisting of all elected members in each of the Licensing Trusts are able to view the full list of applications and make recommendations on their merits accordingly. This local input has proven to be invaluable and greatly assists the TTCF Board in its decision-making process.

In non-Licensing Trust areas, TTCF has initiated a series of funding seminars which are designed to better inform communities about what TTCF is able to offer and what the various groups within those communities are able to apply for. Refer to the ‘Latest News’ tab to see when the next seminar is to be held in your area.

TTCF is heavily committed to minimizing any negative impacts of Class 4 gambling by proactively training and monitoring venue personnel as well as supporting any new initiatives that may better control people with problem gambling tendencies.

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