The Connection Between Suicide And Childhood Sexual Abuse
In fact, I have never met a childhood sexual abuse survivor who has not been suicidal.
The Connection Between Suicide And Childhood Sexual Abuse | HuffPost Canada Life (
In my experience, childhood sexual abuse survivors are highly intelligent, deeply sensitive, intuitive, creative and protectors of the innocents. They are also dissociative, prone to self-harm, frequently anorexic and struggle regularly with suicidal thoughts and feelings. As one survivor told me, “Suicide is always an option.”
The Connection Between Suicide And Childhood Sexual Abuse | HuffPost Canada Life (
And as those people who experienced abuse as children get older, the risk of suicide attempts increases.
Child abuse linked to risk of suicide in later life — ScienceDaily
Child abuse linked to risk of suicide in later life
The analysis of 68 studies by psychologists at the University of Manchester and University of South Wales revealed that suicide attempts were:
- Three times more likely for people who experienced sexual abuse as a child
- Two and a half times more likely for people who experienced physical abuse as a child
- Two and a half times more likely for people who experienced emotional abuse or neglect as a child
- Also from the research published in Psychological Medicine today, children who experienced multiple abuse are as much as five times higher to attempt suicide.