The 3 Phases of Burnout
The best strategy for combatting burnout is to remove yourself from the stressful situation.
Have You Passed the Burnout Threshold? | Psychology Today
Emotional Exhaustion. In the first phase, excessive demands are placed on the individual. In the workplace, this can be too much of a workload, but it can also come from difficult interpersonal relationships with bosses or coworkers. In the home, too many demands, including child or elder care, housekeeping, relationship conflict, and trying to balance work and home life, can all lead to emotional exhaustion.
Have You Passed the Burnout Threshold? | Psychology Today
Depersonalization is the second phase of burnout, and it involves having a cynical and insensitive attitude to those around you. At work, you feel disconnected and the result is strained relationships with other workers, and poor treatment of clients and customers.
The third phase of burnout is feeling a low sense of Personal Accomplishment. In this phase, people feel frustrated and helpless. There is a sense that “nothing is getting done” or that the work you are doing is unimportant and meaningless.