Traumatic stress: effects on the brain Brain areas implicated in the stress response include the amygdala, hippocampus, and prefrontal cortex. Traumatic stress can be associated with lasting changes in these brain areas. Traumatic stress is associated with increased cortisol and norepinephrine responses to subsequent stressors. Antidepressants have effets on the hippocampus that counteract the effects of stress. Findings from animal…

Psychosocial stress can increase risk of cardiovascular disease

Genetic susceptibility to psychosocial stress can increase risk of cardiovascular disease: A new genetic findi… — Danny Gary Turpin (@DGTCompany) October 1, 2014 A new genetic finding from Duke Medicine suggests that some people who are prone to hostility, anxiety and depression might also be hard-wired to gain weight when exposed to chronic stress,…

Huffington Post – Help Your Children Handle Stress And Anxiety

  It’s hard for anyone to deal with stress and anxiety, but it’s especially hard for children. Michele Kambolis, a clinical therapist and author, joined HuffPost Live host Caroline Modarressy-Tehrani to discuss effective methods to help children deal with their stress and anxiety. “The first line of attack normally is medication, but yet we have…

Even small stressors may be harmful to men’s health Older men who lead high-stress lives, either from chronic everyday hassles or because of a series of significant life events, are likely to die earlier than the average for their peers, new research from Oregon State University shows. “We’re looking at long-term patterns of stress — if your stress level is chronically high, it…

Huff Post – Your Stress Really Is Rubbing Off On Everyone Researchers from the Max Planck Institute for Cognitive and Brain Sciences and the Technische Universität Dresden found that for some people, watching someone else go through a stressful moment can lead to an increase in their own stress hormone levels. “The fact that we could actually measure this empathic stress in the form of…