Imaginal prolonged exposure is a powerful process for both therapist and client. It results both in reduced distress and in greater understanding of what happened and why. “Putting the pieces of the jigsaw puzzle together” is crucial to recovery and has long been recognised as an effective treatment. Early variationsContinue Reading

Previous studies have aimed to uncover genetic markers of PTSD by investigating differences in gene expression between people with the disorder and those without it. But the team involved in this latest research decided to adopt a “systems-level approach,” which involved using whole transcriptome RNA sequencing on blood samples ofContinue Reading

Interestingly, the genes involved in innate immune response — the body’s first line of defense against pathogens — and interferon signaling, were also associated with PTSD. Interferons are proteins released in response to pathogens in our bodies, and in this study, were also shown to partake in the pathology PTSD.Continue Reading Brain areas implicated in the stress response include the amygdala, hippocampus, and prefrontal cortex. Traumatic stress can be associated with lasting changes in these brain areas. Traumatic stress is associated with increased cortisol and norepinephrine responses to subsequent stressors. Antidepressants have effets on the hippocampus that counteract the effectsContinue Reading

Denial is a psychological way of coping – find out how denial is a part of trauma and dissociative disorders… — TraumaDissociation (@TraumaDID) September 27, 2014 Denial is common in Dissociative Identity Disorder, and exists in any disorder caused by trauma. Denial is a psychological defense mechanism,[1]:24 it playsContinue Reading Judith Lewis Herman (born 1942) is a psychiatrist, researcher, teacher, and author who has focused on the understanding and treatment of incest and traumatic stress. Judith Herman is best known for her distinctive contributions to the understanding of trauma and its victims , as set out in her secondContinue Reading Denial is common in Dissociative Identity Disorder, and exists in any disorder caused by trauma. Denial is a psychological defense mechanism,[1]:24 it plays a role in keeping the impact and knowledge of the traumatic experience(s) at bay although it also prevents healing from trauma. The conflict between the willContinue Reading