Online Psychotherapy TUESDAY, Nov. 3, 2015 (HealthDay News) — The Internet has made it possible for people to work and study from home, and new research suggests that a staple of mental health care may also be headed to a computer near you. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a mix of two disciplines that aims to…

Like flipping a bunch of coins and only keeping the ones that come up heads “This doesn’t mean that psychotherapy doesn’t work. Psychotherapy does work. It just doesn’t work as well as you would think from reading the scientific literature,” says Steven Hollon, a psychology professor at Vanderbilt University who co-authored the study with colleagues from Oregon Health and Science University, VU University Amsterdam, and the University of Groningen….

Free Psychotherapy E-Books The International Psychotherapy Institute (IPI) has created a website, where there is free downloading of titles in psychotherapy, psychiatry and psychoanalysis. Around 1440 Johannes Gutenberg devised a printing system that made books less expensive and changed the world. Free ebooks will do the same. Ebooks have no costs for paper, printing, binding, warehousing,…

Psychotherapy in (and of) Everyday Life Many years ago my brother confronted me at a family dinner. He had overheard my conversation with my sister-in-law and observed, “You have a knack for finding a person’s Achilles’ Heel.” Without delving into specifics, I admit that I wasn’t aware of this nasty habit. And I realized that in this instant, he had…

Psychotherapy in Pakistan

Unfortunately, in Pakistan there is a lack of understanding relating to the concept of psychotherapy. Dr Rubeena opines that people confuse psychotherapy with counselling sessions. “The goal of psychotherapy is to improve the psychological and emotional wellness of the patient as well as their ability to functional normally,” says Dr Rubeena. She adds that psychotherapy…

Bearly anyone can call themselves a therapist and start counseling patients

There are many reasons for that gap between research and practice, but part of it comes from the rift between who is studying treatments and who is delivering care. Most people don’t realize that “therapist” is a catch-all term that doesn’t tell you anything about how qualified someone is to help you. People who dole…

Talk not just drugs needed More fundamentally, the fact that all feelings, thoughts and behavior require brain activity to happen does not mean that the only or best way to change — or understand — them is with medicine. We know, for instance, that not all psychiatric disorders can be adequately treated with biological therapy. Personality disorders, like borderline…

Vampires need psychotherapy too Williams and his co-author, Emily E. Prior, a researcher at the College of the Canyons, interviewed 11 vampires from across the United States and South Africa and found that they were reluctant to come out to clinicians because they were fearful about being labeled as being psychopathological or “perhaps wicked, and not competent to…