Peer support is balancing stones.

How does peer support work?

help people get through difficult periods by providing support; relating to them; offering genuine empathy, trust, and acceptance Peer support for people with psychiatric illness: A comprehensive review – Oxford Medicine ( Peer supporters help promote self-efficacy or belief in one’s own abilities by sharing experiential knowledge and by modeling recovery and coping strategies. Unlike…

Prozac Pills

Is social media filling the void left by health services?

Group membership was 82.5% female, as were 80% of the Administrators and Moderators, all of whom are lay volunteers. The role of Facebook groups in the management and raising of awareness of antidepressant withdrawal: is social media filling the void left by health services? – Edward White, John Read, Sherry Julo, 2021 ( By far…

Peer to Peer Support

Peer to peer support even works for business growth Kevin Brent, founder and managing director of BizSmart, explained: “According to research peer-to-peer business support enables businesses to advance growth by two to three times their normal levels. Therefore, it comes as no surprise that 90% of business owners have found peer-to-peer support instrumental during the COVID-19 pandemic, and a further 80% believe business…

Anti-Bullying Programs In Schools May Do More Harm Than Good

Anti-Bullying Programs In Schools May Do More Harm Than Good But there is little evidence that it was the peer interventions themselves that caused the bullying to stop, and no indication that training peers to intervene would have the same effect as spontaneous interventions based on feelings of empathy and injustice, according to the researcher behind the new study. Instead, she identified that training…

Peer Support qualification delivered as an apprenticeship

Peer Support qualification delivered as an apprenticeship

Delivering this programme successfully requires a strong partnership across the staff, employer and Careerforce according to Bentham. “Critical to completion of this 120-credit qualification is a dedicated peer support worker who is willing to put in the study hours. We encourage employers to provide them with the necessary support to ensure they complete their apprenticeship…

Lived experience crucial in peer support

Lived experience crucial in peer support — Better Blokes (@BetterBlokesNZ) May 14, 2020 The following two African men explained the benefit of HIV-specific groups: “Here, you get a lot of moral support … White, black, anything, I try to interact with everybody, because we’re the same status, we’re one family here. We’re the same. You make friends, which is very…

Minister for Health David Clarke said that, as a country, we need to do more to support people in distress

Minister for Health David Clarke said that, as a country, we need to do more to support people in distress “Just last week, Minister for Health David Clarke said that, as a country, we need to do more to support people in distress, and through this new programme we will be contributing to this effort,” says Chris Gosling, Chief Executive of Whitireia Community Polytechnic and the Wellington Institute of Technology. “We face huge challenges…

I learned about recovery, not just medication. Later, she got a job with ‘Shine’ a mental health support group and having trained with them, worked with the organisation for 18 years. “I learned about recovery, not just medication. I learned to focus on wellness. That’s not something they offer you in the psychiatric services. It’s all about the drugs.” Mary told…