Breaking the 8th commandment: gaslighting

Breaking the 8th commandment: gaslighting The Judeo-Christian tradition has another name for gaslighting. It’s called breaking the Eighth Commandment. “You shall not bear false witness” is the commandment that involves what Martin Luther called “sins of the tongue … lying and evil-speaking.” People of faith and nonreligious people of goodwill need to understand what is happening and how to…

2016: the year truth died

2016: the year truth died

2016 showed the Net can be used for the deliberate dissemination of falsehoods. — (@scroll_in) December 21, 2016 he year 2016 demonstrated that the internet and social media could be used as effectively for the deliberate dissemination of falsehoods and vicious propaganda as they had been five years previously in bringing atrocities committed…