First Procedural hearing of the Abuse in Care Inquiry is on Monday, 19 August at 10am at Rydges Hotel The first Procedural hearing of the Abuse in Care Inquiry is on Monday, 19 August at 10am at Rydges Hotel, Federal Street in Auckland. A procedural hearing is a meeting to help the Inquiry prepare for a public hearing, to make sure it runs as well as possible. We will have one before every…

#Rethink #schizophrenia #hearing #voices

#Rethink #schizophrenia #hearing #voices

How much do you know about hearing voices? Watch our short film for #rethinkschizophrenia & find out more > – RethinkMentalIllness (@Rethink_) September 21, 2017 Schizophrenia affects the way you think and behave. You might have hallucinations, disorganized thinking, and delusions, or you might become withdrawn and have problems remembering and concentrating. Everyone…