Are men ever justified in waving the victim card ?

Are men ever justified in waving the victim card ? So when I see men play the victim card, I’m amazed. It’s like bankers whining about not earning enough or buy-to-let landlords carping about the removal of tax relief. If you’re in a privileged position and you start moaning about how hard you have it, you look like a crybaby. And yet on social…

Better Blokes: Don’t give or accept verbal abuse

Better Blokes: Don’t give or accept verbal abuse

To the men amazed Clinton hasn’t snapped: Every woman you know has learned to do this. This is our life in this society. #debatenight — E. Van Every (@E_VanEvery) September 27, 2016 Everyone in a family needs to feel safe and have relationships that are supportive, nurturing and trusting. Family violence is when a…

Brain injury and susceptiblity to post-traumatic stress disorder

Brain injury and susceptiblity to post-traumatic stress disorder

There’s growing evidence that a physical injury to the brain can make people susceptible to post-traumatic stress disorder. No matter your age, a brain injury can be life changing, which is why if you have recently suffered an injury relating to the brain, checking out sites such as and speaking to a specialist lawyer…

More Dumb Sexism: Ten Powerful Women Insecure Men Fear

More Dumb Sexism: Ten Powerful Women Insecure Men Fear The main source of ire towards Gillard appears to come from her decision not to have children. “Anyone who has chosen to remain deliberately barren … they’ve got no idea about what life’s about,” said Senator Bill Hefferman in 2007. Then last year, Mark Latham, the former Labor leader, said: “Having children is the…

More Dumb Sexism: “What did these geniuses expect when they put men & women together?”

More Dumb Sexism: “What did these geniuses expect when they put men & women together?” Facing a question from an audience member on military sexual assault, Trump stood by a tweet from 2013, in which he suggested the epidemic was a consequence of allowing women to serve in the military. “26,000 unreported sexual assaults [sic] in the military-only 238 convictions. What did these geniuses expect when they put men…

Leadership:  someone who is steady and composed when faced with challenges

Leadership: someone who is steady and composed when faced with challenges Having a good temperament for leadership has come to be associated with someone who is steady and composed when faced with challenges. They rise above the fray and don’t take the bait when others try to lure them from their goals. In a recent exploration of this critical presidential trait with historians, the Christian…

Junk food is causing an ‘epidemic of mental illness’ due to a lack of vitamins and minerals

Junk food is causing an ‘epidemic of mental illness’ due to a lack of vitamins and minerals

Junk food is causing an ‘epidemic of mental illness’ due to a lack of vitamins and minerals We all know gorging on junk food and sweet treats is bad for our waistline. But eating processed foods might actually cause mental illness too, researchers claim. If people eat too much junk food then they aren’t…

Why are our men killing others and themselves?

Why are our men killing others and themselves? Why are our men killing others and themselves? I have some ideas from my eight years as a volunteer Lifeline telephone counsellor. The famous New Zealand rugby player and All Black, Sir John Kirwan, had a strong association with Lifeline, and I was working the phones when his depression/Lifeline advertisements were on TV. We…