APA: Link between child pornography and child sexual abuse

APA: Link between child pornography and child sexual abuse

http://www.apa.org/monitor/2009/12/child-abuse.aspx Clinical psychologists Michael Bourke, PhD, and Andres Hernandez, PsyD, have been making waves in the psychology and law enforcement communities with the recent release of a paper suggesting that men charged with Internet child pornography offenses and those who commit hands-on child sex offenses are, in many cases, one and the same. There has…

“elements of brazenness” to the abuse

“elements of brazenness” to the abuse

http://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/queensland/sexoffending-former-uniting-church-minister-walks-free-20161222-gtgic8.html Dangerfield’s defence lawyer Julian Noud accepted the offending was serious but argued for a wholly suspended sentence given the delay of 55 years. He said there was “ample material” to prove rehabilitation and Dangerfield deserved credit for good character as a popular community leader and devoted husband. “He’s lived a completely blameless life, this…

He said it was not a consensual relationship

http://www.stuff.co.nz/national/education/82043062/teacher-disciplined-for-historical-sexual-relationship-with-student The complainant was referred to the Male Survivors of Sexual Abuse Trust and encouraged to take his complaint to the Education Council of Aotearoa New Zealand. In December 2015, the Education Council’s Complaints Assessment Committee lay a notice of charge against the teacher, although it did not find the relationship between the complainant and…