Don’t be a passive victim of your intrusive worries

Don’t be a passive victim of your intrusive worries You don’t have to be a passive victim of your intrusive and annoying worries. Let’s organize your response to worry by taking ten simple steps to address your worried thoughts. We are not going to try to think positively or ignore your worry. I am not telling you to believe in yourself or to…


Cognitive bias modification For anxious people, the ingrained habit of selectively attending to only those things that are possibly dangerous leads to a vicious cycle in which an ambiguous world is seen and experienced as threatening(link is external)—even when it’s not. Cognitive bias modification (CBM) training is an innovative intervention that’s been shown to break individuals out of…

Stimulating the problem-solving center seemed to protect from worst effects of anxiety

Stimulating the problem-solving center seemed to protect from worst effects of anxiety The research team assessed a group of 120 participants to find out which were most at-risk in terms of responding to anxiety triggers. Peoples’ brains most prone to anxiety tend to display a bigger response to threats and a lower response to rewards, so researchers exposed participants to stimuli designed to trigger a response…

#Uber #helps #mental #health #issues

#Uber #helps #mental #health #issues

Uber helps those with mental health issues – what are they left with now? But my research suggests that Uber has been providing a valuable – and currently irreplaceable – service to those living with mental ill-health. Anyone who’s suffered from depression knows the physical, mental, and emotional strain of simply getting from…

#Talking #about #anxiety #makes it #worse

#Talking #about #anxiety #makes it #worse Anxiety encompasses post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), social anxiety, OCD, as well as generalised anxiety disorder (which is what I suppose I have, although I’ve never had a specific diagnosis). But while the classic advice is to see a therapist – as I have, on and off, for over 30 years – how effectively anxiety…

#Depression #Anxiety

#Depression #Anxiety I identified the most with having anxiety. But there were times when I fell into depressive episodes. I felt listless, I slept too much, I didn’t want to get out of bed. Depression is sneaky and it convinces us not to try. I asked my psychiatrist about how depression factors into my life if…

#Anxiety #Depression #PTSD #Occupational #Stress

#Anxiety #Depression #PTSD #Occupational #Stress For instance, a study found high rates of PTSD and depression in firefighters. Likewise, approximately 100,000 active police officers in the United States suffer from PTSD, and many also live with the comorbidities of depression, anxiety, and suicidal ideation, and you’ll likely find that most of them try to Buy Weed Online to help…

Children especially vulnerable to the effects of global warming

Children especially vulnerable to the effects of global warming

#Trump has selected Myron Ebell, a climate change and global warming skeptic, to lead the @EPA transition team. – Jeffrey Guterman (@JeffreyGuterman) November 11, 2016 According to the group’s report, examples of the effects global warming could have on children’s health include: Increased susceptibility to injury or death, posttraumatic stress, loss of…

Hardwired for anxiety

The new study shows that people diagnosed with anxiety are less able to distinguish between a neutral, “safe” stimulus (in this case, the sound of a tone) and one that was earlier associated with the threat of money loss or gain. Investigators explain that when anxious people are confronted with emotional experiences, they show a…