Peer Support – Solitude v Loneliness

Reconnecting via peer support is the core of healing from sexual violence.
There is a big difference between solitude and loneliness, loneliness is a negative state, marked by a sense of isolation. One feels that something is missing. It is possible to be with people and still feel lonely – perhaps the most bitter form of loneliness.
What’s the Difference Between Solitude and Loneliness? | Psychreg
Solitude is the state of being alone without being lonely. It is a positive and constructive state of engagement with oneself. Solitude is desirable, a state of being alone where you provide yourself wonderful and sufficient company.’
“Solitude is fine but you need someone to tell that solitude is fine.”
― Honoré de Balzac
Loneliness Quotes (3267 quotes) | Goodreads
The “ethical loneliness” of male sexual violence survivors in Northern Uganda: gendered reflections on silencing
The “ethical loneliness” of male sexual violence survivors in Northern Uganda: gendered reflections on silencing (
In this article, I explore the gendered silencing of conflict-related sexual violence against men and of male survivors’ lived realities in Northern Uganda using the frame of masculinities. Utilizing Stauffer’s conceptual framework of “ethical loneliness,” I elucidate how male survivors’ experiences of sexual violence are characterized by various layers of externally imposed silences by different actors and institutions often over decades.
I unpack how these layered silences are gendered and conditioned by socially constructed incompatibilities between masculinities and vulnerabilities, which disallow men to openly speak about their sexual violations and to seek services and support.
Balzac’s work habits were legendary. He wrote from 1 am to 8 am every morning and sometimes even longer. Balzac could write very rapidly; some of his novels, written with a quill, were composed at a pace equal to thirty words per minute on a modern typewriter.[64] His preferred method was to eat a light meal at five or six in the afternoon, then sleep until midnight. He then rose and wrote for many hours, fueled by innumerable cups of black coffee. He often worked for fifteen hours or more at a stretch; he claimed to have once worked for 48 hours with only three hours of rest in the middle.[65]
Honoré de Balzac – Wikipedia