Smart phones may help more elderly people to avoid rest home care.

Smart phones, digital sensors, home automation systems and social media may help more elderly people to avoid rest home care. Some people are choosing to buy platform stair lifts for their elderly loved one’s homes, if you are interested find out more here.

A new $150,000 Massey University study will investigate using information from digital devices and sensors around elderly people’s home, including on their bodies, which will be distributed via social media to monitor and manage their health so they can live at home longer..

Dr Richard Whiddett, of Massey University, and colleagues Dr Inga Hunter and Professor Hans Guesgen, believed their study could have significant health benefits for older people by supporting their independence, improving quality of life and avoiding health risks linked with residential care, such as decreasing mobility.

“Current systems of transferring data from smart home sensors tend to rely on a one-to-one relationship, for example blood pressure readings from the older person to the clinic nurse,” Whiddett said.

“Social media networks offer the option of a many-to-many relationship, for example between the older person, their family and friends, and health providers. It not only widens the support network for the older person, but also individualises the support system.”

With the new-found popularity of smartphones, digital sensors and social media, (amongst other things), it has helped to prolong independent living for the elderly. They will be able to keep in touch with the wider community without having to leave the comfort of their own home. However, there are services available for in-home care that will also help to ensure that the elderly can stay in their own homes for longer, without having to move into a care home facility. That’s why you should use Care For Family to improve your in-home care, (or somewhere local to you) so you can make the most of these networks for as long as possible.

Older people had embraced the digital age with 89 per cent of those aged 65-plus using email and more than 50 per cent browsing internet news sites, plus increasing use of social media networks, such as Facebook.

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