Sex offender Ronald Van der Plaat’s release angers Te Atatu community

Sex offender Ronald Van der Plaat’s release angers Te Atatu community

Van der Plaat has reached the end of his sentencing date, meaning he must be released despite concerns from the Parole Board he remains a threat.

He will be released next week to the Te Atatu address he owns, the same address where he abused his daughter.

Van der Plaat was also released on parole to the address in 2010, but in 2012 was recalled to prison after being caught on surveillance cameras at a museum “walking beside a girl of Asian descent holding her hand”.

He had befriended the five-year-old’s mother, but had not told her of his criminal history.

The Corrections Department has informed nearby residents of van der Plaat’s latest release and held a meeting to allay their concerns.

One resident, who asked not to be named because he feared van der Plaat seeking out his own family, said they were very worried.

They had attended the meeting with Corrections, where residents questioned if van der Plaat could remove his ankle bracelet and offend before being noticed.

“The prick will be offending the moment he gets out.

“Would you want that evil next to your daughter and granddaughter?”

There were also concerns his conditions allowed him access to the internet as his offending had not used the technology, but that did not mean he would not use it in the future.

Van der Plaat will be subject to a raft of special conditions including 24-hour GPS monitoring.

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