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Anti-vaccination billboard like terrorism
Immunologist bewildered by anti vaccination group's actions https://t.co/OhyljHQaNM — Karen Brown (@RNZhealth) October 2, 2018 An immunologist is bewildered by the actions of an anti-vaccination movement he has likened to organised terrorism. More than 140 complaints were sent to the Advertising Standards Authority about a billboard erected alongside Auckland’s southern motorway near Middlemore Hospital. The…

#Physical #aggressiveness #linked #gray #matter #deficits
Physical aggressiveness linked to gray matter deficits in brain region, study finds https://t.co/os4otlfH6K — PsyPost.org (@PsyPost) October 25, 2017 “Human violence is baggage we should have left in the Paleolithic era,” remarked study author David S. Chester, an assistant professor at Virginia Commonwealth University. “However, people keep hurting each other in spite of society’s strict…

In the 1980s, drugs cut across “all layers of society”
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Gaslighting: Facts and truth are irrelevant
https://www.thestar.com/opinion/editorials/2017/02/26/trumps-dark-brilliance-explains-why-he-keeps-getting-away-with-lies-editorial.html When confronted by one of his blatant falsehoods, Stephens notes, Trump often doesn’t even attempt to back up what he said. He’ll simply reply that “many people say I’m right,” transforming the argument into a test of personal credibility and effectively denying the validity of what is usually known as “facts.” “It’s important not…

Internal Coherence is Not Truth
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Blue light at night suppresses melatonin and increases alertness
Insomnia is a problem that many of us in the modern world face. Factors like stress and pain often interfere with our ability to fall asleep, among other conditions. Often many people end up looking for mail-order cannabis, sleeping pills, and melatonin gummies amongst other remedies in the hopes of treating their insomnia. Recently, a…