Reducing racism against Māori in Aotearoa New Zealand
Most participants talked about the need for on-going daily interaction between Pākehā and Māori if racism were to be defeated. This theme included three sub-themes: integration, working together, and relationships.
Māori makes up 14.9% of the population (Statistics New Zealand, 2013a) and participants indicated that in schools or towns where there was a higher proportion of Māori, and correspondingly higher rates of integration, racism was constrained. Some cited a lack of bullying in their previous high schools of equal Māori and Pākehā students. Erana stated that three-quarters of the people in their (non-racist) town were Māori; Zoe said an acquaintance was prejudice against Māori, and would probably never change because the acquaintance’s township elsewhere was largely Pākehā, with no chance of interaction with Māori. Integration of Māori and Pākehā houses was considered important.