Priest’s affairs “comfort” after assault by man

Priest’s affairs “comfort” after assault by man’s-affairs-comfort-after-assault-by-man

The Anglican church is justifying its decision to stand down a senior priest over two affairs he had 25 years ago.

Reverend Michael Godfrey, 56, said he was sexually assaulted just days before the affairs, which were a misguided attempt to find comfort after the attack.

The highly-ranked priest said he had two separate extramarital affairs during a 10-day period while working in Australia in 1991. He was assaulted by a man just 10 days before the first affair.

In a statement, the Anglican Church said Reverend Michael Godfrey was removed from his position as Dean of Waiapu Cathedral for a historic matter that – while not illegal – breached the church’s rules.

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