Photovoice as a Narrative Intervention for Survivors of Sexual Assault.

Photovoice, a process where people present their photos and share their stories through conversations, can help sexual assault survivors recover from PTSD, Abigail Rolbiecki found from her research. Rolbiecki, a postdoctoral fellow at MU’s School of Medicine, has worked for MU’s Relationship and Sexual Violence Prevention Center on campus for three years and later conducted the study with three other researchers.

The study, “‘Waiting for the Cold to End’: Using Photovoice as a Narrative Intervention for Survivors of Sexual Assault,” was published in August in the journal Traumatology.

Rolbiecki , the lead researcher in the study, said the nine participants — each armed with a camera — photographed the triggers in their lives, their experiences trying to obtain justice and their relationships with significant family members and counselors.

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