Oranga Tamariki Update for Providers and Partners: COVID-19 edition #12

Dated 22 May 2020

Operating at COVID-19 Alert Level 2

In our last couple of updates, we have provided information around the shift to Alert Level 2 and what this means for social services. Given the fast-moving situation and regular changes to government rules within alert levels, we appreciate that there is a lot of information for you to understand and changes for you to keep on top of. We also realise that each organisation’s situation is different, and it can be hard to work out what the requirements are for your context. In this update we would like to emphasise the key things you need to pay attention to and we focus in on a couple of areas where you may have questions.

Health and Hygiene Must Do’s

There is a set of requirements that all Oranga Tamariki staff are following while we are at this stage of COVID-19 Alert Level 2, and we recommend social sector organisations consider and apply these requirements as appropriate.

Ensure Excellent Hygiene

Keep Surfaces Clean

Practice Physical Distancing

Maintain Contact Records

Engage safely

Respond immediately when COVID-19 is suspected or confirmed

These are captured in a poster that you can find on the resources we have made available to partners on our website.

COVID-19 related resources for partners on the Oranga Tamariki website

Contact tracing

The Government’s COVID-19 website now provides updated and more comprehensive information on contact tracing. You can also read about the Ministry of Health’s tracing app and about information privacy.

Information on contact tracing on the COVID-19 website

Please keep visiting this site and follow the links provided to other Government sites to stay up to date with developments around contact tracing. Things to note currently are:

  • All non-retail businesses must record details of all people’s movement on their premises
  • This includes all employees, visitors and customers
  • There are multiple different ways you can set up a contact tracing register (e.g. a paper register, using an app or scanning a membership card). The important thing is that the following required information is captured:
    • Full name
    • Residential address
    • Phone number or email address
    • Time on premises
  • The new Ministry of Health tracing app is currently an additional tool for individuals. It does not currently replace the need for organisations to maintain their own contact tracing log. Enhancements to the app are expected and these might address this limitation.
  • If you wish to provide this additional tool in your workplace, you need to register with Business Connect to get a QR code posters for your workplace, and to do this you will need; a RealMe login, a New Zealand Business Number (NZBN), access to your NZBN profile and authority over your business. 

Physical distancing

From our understanding of the requirements, most social sector organisations need to meet the requirements on non-retail businesses and service providers. The current requirements around physical distancing for such organisations are that:

  • People should keep 1 metre distance from others in your workplace and while working outside your premises, where you are able to contact trace these people
  • People should keep 2 metres distance from unknown members of the public that you will not be able to trace
  • Where physical distancing cannot be maintained, steps to mitigate the risks that apply in that situation should be taken (e.g. the use of personal protective equipment if appropriate)
  • Requirements around the size of groups that apply to gatherings, events and public venues, do not apply to group therapy or support sessions, meetings and training sessions. However it will be important to take a cautious approach to issues such as numbers, room size and physical spacing.

Please note that these requirements are being regularly reviewed by the Government and changes are likely to be made.  

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