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Increase Relationship Intimacy In Our Stressful Times
https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-new-resilience/202010/how-increase-relationship-intimacy-in-our-stressful-times This study found that communicating and describing to your partner what you’re aiming for or seeking — it may concern your personal goals, your work, your desires – tends to evoke the same desires in your partner, in his or her own way. And that creates a greater sense of connection. However, the research,…

I mean I was flashed, humped, bumped, grabbed. I think he probably did it to a lot of people
https://www.theguardian.com/film/2018/mar/21/robin-williams-groped-flashed-me-on-set-mork-mindy-pam-dawber Williams would also wrestle her, break wind on her and come on to the set totally naked. He also once “goosed” an elderly woman playing Mindy’s grandmother by poking her between the buttocks with a cane. The revelations are contained in a new biography of Williams by New York Times journalist Dave Itzkoff, to…

#Carrie #Fisher #Retribution #Cow #Tongue #Sexual #Abuser
http://www.radionz.co.nz/news/world/341859/carrie-fisher-s-cow-tongue-box-for-sleazy-producer Screenwriter Heather Ross claimed the act of retribution happened two weeks after a “high-profile, Oscar-winning” producer forced himself on her in 2000. Ross said she met him online in an AOL chat room, and felt safe to meet up in person to discuss a project because she was “overweight” and had no desire to…

Participants: lack of hierarchy, accessibility of receiving care and positive experiences with peer specialists.
Parachute NYC was launched in 2012 to provide a “soft landing” for persons experiencing a psychiatric crisis. The program was funded through a federal grant from the Centers of Medicaid and Medicare Services and provided services through mobile teams and respite centers. Mental health professionals worked alongside peer specialists to offer network meetings to individuals…

Politeness Theory & Abusive Relationships
Brown and Levinson (1987) developed politeness theory based on Goffman’s (1959) face theory. Since politeness stems from face, face is explained first in order to understand politeness. Face and politeness are the theories that I will use to examine how partners manipulate politenessto continue emotional abuse. In the following section, I will give an overview…