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Better Blokes Family Group
First Meeting Sunday April 28th 6-8pm Beeson RoomOnehunga Community Centre83 Church St, OnehungaContact Amber 0224314744
She insists she never gave him any reason to think she may be interested The woman claimed the officer later started calling her and visiting her house, where he touched and rubbed himself on her. The NZPCA summary said the matter was historic as the woman had been too scared to speak out until now. The woman’s complaint was lodged with the Independent Police Conduct Authority (IPCA), the…
#Facebook #moderators #develop #PTSD “When Facebook say that they’re hiring 3,000 moderators, I’d say two things,” she told an audience at the Hay Festival. “You’ve two billion members, one post a day – that’s two billion pieces of data. No good, having 3,000 moderators. “And secondly, I have a major ethical problem with 3,000 young people coming out…
51% of prisoners expelled as children
“If students do have behavioural issues involving being aggressive and violent, then I would think that provides more reason why we should be wrapping a lot of support around those young people so we don’t send them on a path to prison.” — NZ Drug Foundation (@nzdrug) September 2, 2018
#Introverts #great #leaders
Introverts make great leaders—but lack confidence in their capabilities — Quartz (@qz) October 8, 2017 However, recently this idea has been challenged and there is a growing appreciation of introverts both in and outside the workplace. In her bestselling book Quiet, author Susan Cain focuses on the multiple strengths of introverts, many of which…
God’s database, the two-witness rule and hiding sexual abuse
Candace Conti, now 33, was raised as a Jehovah’s Witness in Fremont, California. When she was 9, the elders in her congregation paired her with a man named Jonathan Kendrick for Saturday-morning field service. Instead of going door-to-door to preach the word of God, Kendrick would take Conti to his house and molest her, she…