When considering the minimum period he must serve behind bars, the judge said “age, immaturity is undoubtedly a matter that I must seriously consider.” He said people that age had the capacity to be rehabilitated. Crown prosecutor Andrew McRae said Kelekolio had shown “very little remorse”. He said his guiltyContinue Reading

http://www.stuff.co.nz/national/10327213/Teacher-censured-over-images An Auckland teacher who sent photos of students to a paedophile friend has been deregistered by the Teachers Disciplinary Tribunal. The relief teacher, whose name is suppressed, took photos of students involved in the school’s “Book Character Day”, where many dressed in fancy costumes. In September, 2011, he emailedContinue Reading

http://mic.com/articles/93870/what-happens-after-men-get-raped-in-america Believing without blaming. It’s crucial to recognize that many of the things commonly said to male sexual assault survivors are things that we should probably never say. Charlie, 66, from Boston, said victim blaming, accidental or otherwise, commonly crops up for male survivors. “Were you drunk? Were you onContinue Reading

Kyle MacDonald Disassociation – What Is It and What Treatments Are Available http://t.co/2vdST1gefL https://twitter.com/kylemacd/status/493999495953547264 18:00 – 29 Jul 14 Dissociation is a psychological process whereby someone disconnects from reality, their thoughts and feelings, or loses memories and their sense of identity. It is a coping mechanism from the mind, toContinue Reading