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Why Would Nice People Finish Last?
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‘Chasing Ghislaine’ Looks At Jeffrey Epstein And The Men Behind Him
The news comes as Maxwell, the daughter of disgraced billionaire media tycoon Robert Maxwell, prepares to face trial in November on charges including sex trafficking and involvement in the abuse of underage girls. The former associate of Epstein’s has been accused of luring teen girls for the late businessman over the course of a decade….
The first person to report Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell to the FBI | 60 Minutes Australia
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Do your best and let go of the results.
“Let go, let it happen, keep it simple, be kind, and enjoy life.” Wu Wei: 4 Simple Steps to Mastering the Taoist Art of Actionless Action ( We are responsible for our actions but not for the results of our actions. Why? Because every result in life is dependent not on a single cause, but…

Inner Child Healing | Wu Wei Wisdom
Childhood trauma is often described as serious adverse childhood experiences (ACEs).[1] Children may go through a range of experiences that classify as psychological trauma, these might include neglect,[2]abandonment,[2]sexual abuse, and physical abuse,[2] witnessing abuse of a sibling or parent, or having a mentally ill parent. These events have profound psychological, physiological, and sociological impacts and can have negative, lasting effects on health and well-being. Kaiser…