Moving from manuhiri to become tangata whenua with our herd.
Horse Sense works with the dynamics of the horse and human interaction, where we help create a sense of unity within. Connecting to our core self, to our whānau, friends and to our natural environment.
We invite you to join us for an integrative experience and re-connection with yourself through horses.
Moving from manuhiri to become tangata whenua with our herd.Our approach is to focus on the nonverbal communication in this collaborative process. We combine the wisdom of the mind, body, spirit connection with contemporary understanding. The emphasis is on the horses and nonverbal communication in this interactive process.
We believe in creating an environment where human consciousness can be explored which allows space for the integration of self. Being in the horse environment in this way provides the opportunity for enhanced awareness and widening perspectives.
We are dedicated to providing a unique experience that strengthens and enriches lives. The Horse Sense facilitators partnered with horses create opportunities that promote well-being and positive behaviour changes. This process is called Equine Supported Therapy and Development.
Effective and long-lasting personal growth occurs through active participation in the paddock with the horses, with 90% interaction and 10% talking. This can play out in various ways.