MOJ: Sexual violence prosecutions take a long time
The time taken for the Police investigation to progress can be long:
• after one month most investigations were continuing
• after six months more than a third were continuing, but a quarter had resulted in action against a perpetrator
• as of May 2019, more action had been taken against perpetrators with a total of 31% resulting in court action.
When the investigation resulted in court or non-court action:
• this usually occurred within six months (73%), and within a year for most (90%); however, for 10% action didn’t occur for a year or more
• the court process usually took many months, with a third taking a year more
• half the victimisations had an overall time from reporting, including the Police investigation and court process, of up to a year to receive a charge outcome; most (87%) had an outcome in two years.
The time taken for the court process appears to contribute substantially to the overall time taken for victimisations to progress from reporting to a charge outcome.