Men are victims too

But a few days later, when Sgt Finn got a call from the couple’s address, he seized the opportunity to take action.

“As soon as I saw him in the light of day, the state of him in terms of countless injuries all over his body the fact that he had these horrible dirty clothes on… he was pale, thin. I thought […] he was being abused,” he recalls.

Worth seemed “very slight, well spoken, very polite, to all intents and purposes a very nice lady”, he says.

Sgt Finn was able to persuade Skeel to reveal what was really going on – and finally arrested Worth on suspicion of assault and grievous bodily harm (GBH).

When they managed to get Skeel to hospital, doctors said he was just “10 days from death” in his physical state, by which point his burns had become infected.

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