#MDMA #Treat #Alcohol #Abuse


In a world-first, scientists in Bristol are using the psychoactive drug MDMA as part of a treatment program for addicts and alcoholics.

Unfortunately, in today’s world, there are millions and millions and citizens struggling from some sort of addiction. Addiction is used by many as a coping mechanism and often starts out as a small addiction that often spirals out of control. For some, the addiction is visible and others can keep it a secret but one thing these people have in common is that they’re all desperate for help, trying to get their lives back on track. An addiction can simply ruin someone’s life, whether it’s their home life, career, or anything in between.

There are some addicts that have the means to can check into rehabilitation centers, where staff and medical professionals will start testing for benzos, cocaine and any other drugs they think may be present, as well as test for alcohol so that addicts can be placed on specially designed programs to help them combat their addiction, however, that’s easier said than done. When an addict seeks help, they’re at their most vulnerable so it’s at this time they need all of the help and support they can get.

The study was created by a research team at Imperial College London and involves giving doses of MDMA – known by the street names Molly or ecstasy – to help patients battling addiction. They claim this could be more effective than conventional methods. Those on the trial will also be put on a course of psychotherapy.

“We know that MDMA works really well in helping people who have suffered trauma and it helps to build empathy,” said Ben Sessa, a clinical psychiatrist on the trial and senior research fellow at Imperial College London.

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