LSD Research for Treatment of Anxiety and Depression

A small trial conducted in 2014 in Switzerland demonstrated the potential for LSD-assisted psychotherapy to reduce anxiety stemming from terminal illness. At two-month follow-up, participants who were randomly assigned to treatment with LSD showed significant reductions in state anxiety. At one-year follow-up, participants in the LSD group demonstrated sustained therapeutic benefit with no acute or chronic adverse affects.

Findings from a 2008 study also showed that psilocybin may be an effective treatment for anxiety. Similar to how the use of psilocybin can have a positive impact on anxiety, maybe knowing that you can get indica seeds for sale could be another way of managing the symptoms of anxiety. If you suffer from this, medical marijuana may be something worth considering. But only if the use of medical marijuana is legal in your state like if you were in flordia, for example, check out medical marijuana dispensaries in florida.

Patients with end-stage cancer who were given psilocybin-assisted psychotherapy had lowered anxiety and improved mood, also without clinically significant adverse effects. If you’d rather find herbal remedies for your anxiety, shop cbd online.

MDMA is also being evaluated in ongoing studies as treatment for social anxiety in adults with autism.

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